04 Jul Sandro Serenari
Sandro Serenari
President of Farest Spa, Professor of Industrial Economics at Bologna University
Sandro Serenari is president of Farest Spa, an international consulting company participated by SIMEST – the merchant bank of the Italian Government.
He divides his professional activities between research and consulting in the subjects of public-private negotiations for international contracting and green economy.
Founder and president of the NGO “e.qo”, he performs teaching activities for numerous masters programs, agencies and postgraduates schools in the subject of European union lobbying; the main part of the teaching activities and research is in the School of Economics at the University of Bologna, where he is a contract professor of Industrial Economics, and director of the publishing collection “Politiche di sistema”.
As expert of Lobbying in the Eu, he is adjunct member in the PhD board of EDLE, European Doctorate in Law and Economics. He was commissioned as visiting professor and lecturer in a wide range of international universities.